
Showing posts from July, 2020

Munich and surroundings

A city in southern Germany, the capital of Bavaria, Munich has always been in the thick of historical events. The name itself, according to Wikipedia, comes from the Old High German “Munichen” – “among the monks” . In terms of population, it is the third city in Germany (after Berlin and Hamburg), and in addition to the cultural component, it is also a large industrial center (BMW alone, not to mention many others). Also, the tradition to organize Oktoberfest was born here, which quite justifiably acquired world-wide fame – a large number of breweries, as well as a high concentration of beer lovers contributed to this very much.   It so happened that we had to spend quite a long time in Munich in 2015 in medical affairs (local medical technologies also deserve attention). And in order to diversify our stay, we mastered not only the city itself, but also its nearest (and not so) neighborhood.                     The city itself is especially comfortable in the summer period (although no


Neuschwanstein Castle (Neuschwanstein – “New Swan Cliff”) is located in the southwestern part of Bavaria, on a rock near the town of Füssen and other famous castles of these places – Hohenschwangau. And although these sights have unpronounceable names, this does not detract from their artistic value.   The history of the creation of this castle is connected with the activities of the “fairytale king” Ludwig II, king of Bavaria , who honored the work of composer Richard Wagner. Previously, there was another castle at that place, from which only ruins remained by the time of the start of construction of the Neuschwanstein castle in 1869. And although the construction work was not completed, the king decided to move to an unfinished castle in 1884, having lived there for a total of not more than six months. Since funds were borrowed for its construction, after the death of the “fairytale king”, the heirs had to find a solution on how to repay them. As a result, it was decided to open a

Salzburg and surroundings

Salzburg (Salzburg – “Salt Fortress”) is a city in western Austria whose historical center is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The settlement on the site of modern Salzburg existed several thousand years ago, however, its more modern history began around the 7th century AD, when the Bavarian duke granted these lands to Bishop Rupert, who founded 2 monasteries here (female and male) that have survived to the present day , and became the basis of the current city. Since then, the city was under the bishop’s (later – Archbishop) administration, and in the 13th century gained relative independence from Bavaria, having existed in this state until the Napoleonic wars. At the end of that period, in 1816, Salzburg became part of Austria. Most of all, the city is famous for its brilliant composer – Mozart , his heritage is carefully preserved and captured not only by museums of genius, but also by the names of numerous cafes and other establishments.   Having found ourselves in Munich,


One of the Mascarene Islands in the Indian Ocean, Mauritius (along with Rodrigues Island) forms the state of Mauritius, part of the British Commonwealth of Nations (or Commonwealth). The island has a volcanic origin, and is surrounded by coral reefs. The highest point of the island is Mount Piton with a height of 826 meters. And, although from the 10th century, the island of Mauritius was known to Arab navigators, the Portuguese discovered it only in the 16th century. For a time, it was under the control of France, and only in the 20th century became the state of Mauritius. Its main “industrial” focus was the production of sugar cane, which made it a strategic colony for the metropolitan fought for domination. Even now, most of the island’s land is occupied by its plantations. Additionally, they have an interesting tax system, which makes it attractive for international lawyers and global business.   Speaking about sea recreation, Mauritius, undoubtedly, is worth describing in more det


  “In Singapore’s banana-lemon …”, as the classic song goes, there is so much that deserves attention that it is difficult to focus on one thing. The state of Singapore has a long history that was not easy for the former colony. Until the beginning of the 19th century, Singapore was under the control of various major powers in the region, then gradually went under the control of the British Empire, becoming its colony in 1867. The Second World War also made its own adjustments to the fate of this country. Singapore proclaimed independence in 1965, after leaving Malaysia, with which it had long-standing historical ties. The exit was relatively painless due to the fact that the small poor state was not of much interest to the neighbors.   From this point on, the most interesting stage of the country’s development began – Singapore Miracle . Several enthusiasts led by former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew chose Singapore’s strategy to become a major international financial center, and consis


Our tradition of traveling to Southeast Asia with a stop in a large regional metropolis began on the way to Langkawi Island from the “city of contrasts” – Kuala Lumpur . We were so impressed with this metropolis that we decided to make other trips to this region with similar transfers. In this case, the long flight is divided into smaller segments, a couple of days at the point of transfer charges you with stunning impressions, and further beach vacations remain in order to comprehend the trip, having absorbed all the impressions.   Kuala Lumpur was founded in 1857 during the colonial period, and is currently a thriving financial and commercial center. There are a large number of different enterprises – rubber processing, palm oil production, cars and electronics manufacture, etc., in the city and its environs. It is not a surprise that, in addition to skyscrapers with offices in the central part of the city, there are a large number of mega-malls with electronic devices, where you can