Traveling in Bulgaria by car

Traveling in Bulgaria by car may be the most affordable way to see this beautiful country, with its many spectacular sights and activities. Traveling in Bulgaria by car would also be the most convenient way, as road and vehicle laws are less stringent than in Thailand, which could save you a lot of time, effort, and expense. Parking in crowded spots in Bulgaria isn't much of a problem either. Bulgaria has one of the world's hottest travel destinations, with beautiful scenery, historical ruins, and modern amenities all within easy reach. Traveling in Bulgaria by car allows you to experience this diverse and wonderful land in any part of the day you choose. You can start your trip in Sofia, or head east and west through Transylvania, where you can experience a unique cultural heritage. A typical visit time for a Transylvania road trip is one hour long, as traveling on major roads can be a problem in this region of the country. I chose bookingauto from many car rental co...