Archimnasium of Bologna

When you visit the Archimnasium of Bologna, you will be in the center of one of the greatest museums in Europe: the Piazza Navona, or Statue of Liberty. Among the most famous attractions in Europe, the Statue of Liberty attracts millions of visitors every year. Among these many tourists, there are many American and British citizens who make an annual pilgrimage to the Piazza Navona. And if you want to add more excitement to your trip to the Italian capital, why not consider a visit to the most exciting attraction of all, the Vatican Church? The park is easy to get to with a rented car, which we took from . When visiting the park, it is worth taking a guided tour, which can be booked in advance on, which starts at the Chapel of St. Francis of Assyssa, considered one of the most impressive churches in the world. The Vatican Church is one of the most venerable religious structures in the world. Built iniday's style in 15 Jesuit years, the Vatican City ...