
 Once in childhood, my parents and I traveled to the Baltic countries and during this time we visited different cities and regions. But that was back in Soviet times, and the impressions were fragmentary, albeit vivid. Nevertheless, these cities in their external style and way of life clearly differed from Moscow at that time. And now, after a long break, I finally managed to start exploring the tourist part of Riga. The first thing that pleasantly surprised me was that old impressions suddenly surfaced on the surface of my memory. Something like developing a photograph from a film - being on a blank sheet, an image suddenly appears on white paper ...

The main tourist factor to worry about in Riga (and all Baltic cities) is the weather. It is really unpredictable here, and in one trip around the city you can walk in T-shirts and shorts, and in the blink of an eye - in a down jacket. What happened to us and I had to buy an umbrella on the spot🙂

The place of residence was chosen on the city map as usual - so that it was not far from any point of interest on foot. Given the size of the city, this is not difficult. We chose Pullman Hotel and did not regret it. The main thing, as it turned out, is to get a room where it is possible to open a window overlooking the street. It is a 5 minute walk from the main square of the Old Town on the sidewalk (on the asphalt it would be faster).

There are sharp turns in the history of Latvia, and in some cases it is difficult to maintain an impartial tone of the story. For example, the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia is dedicated to the period when Latvia was under the rule of Germany and the USSR (1940–1991). Driving through the city, every now and then you hear guides conducting excursions for foreign tourists, mentioning the words "occupation", "GULAG" and others. In general, I would call the city very friendly to Russian-speaking tourists. Of course, the degree of sincerity of smiles in cafes, museums, shops is not immediately assessed, but wherever we go, you can always speak Russian without risking getting a displeased grimace from the attendant “I don't understand you. »Most of them are Russian-speaking tourists, Russian is heard everywhere on the streets, and restaurants and cafes always have a Russian-language menu. And, most importantly, there is a sense that you are expected and that they are providing a service, not just a favor.

In terms of culture, there are many places to visit in Riga. The historic center has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its "Outstanding Universal Value". The quarters around the Town Hall Square really amaze with their neat coziness and the architectural style of Northern Europe (well, Germany and Holland are visible). There you can go to almost any cafe for a snack or a cup of coffee - everything will be beautiful at home, but politely emphasized, and as for the procedure: if tea, then in beautiful china, with cookies. or sweets, if this is an appetizer, then beautifully and in a timely manner. In general, there is a charm in this "Nordic pedantry" and loyalty to tradition.

There is one beautiful place in the Old Town - the Museum of Illusions (Iliziju Muzejs). In general, I have a politically incorrect attachment: the local desire to add to all known words the letter "c" at the end - "theaters", "museums", "centers", etc. It was a lot of fun. see the posters of films with the name of the famous actor - Denzels Washingtonis 🙂 We hung out for a long time in the Museum of Illusions, especially considering that we were its only visitors, and the pretty girl at the reception tried her best to show us everything.

The city has a large number of parks, and in one of them - Kronvalda Park, where the famous Elizaveta Street runs, there is a residential quarter of an old low-rise building. This quarter, in addition to the Russian Embassy, ​​has a large number of very decent restaurants. Prices, as is often the case, are the same as in the touristy Old Town, but the quality of food and the level of service differ favorably. One of the most memorable places in the city has become a stunning cafe near our hotel - Cafe Kuze (V. Kuze Kafejnica) .. As you can see from the design of its window, it has been here since pre-revolutionary times. What is striking inside is the exact adherence to the art deco style and the forms of the interior decoration (one chandelier is worth it! And the sconces!), And the color scheme (soft green walls, wooden furniture of that era). and all the little things that complement the image (even porcelain coffee cups and sugar bowls from that period). But the most important thing is the assortment and delivery - many varieties of very different (and very good) coffee, handmade chocolates, fresh baked goods of our own production. And the hostess is an amazingly beautiful Latvian girl, who is friendly and dignified in serving food to the guests. It is highly recommended to go there for a cup of coffee to experience the atmosphere of old Riga. Explore Riga during your guided visit through Excurzilla

We came to the conclusion that Riga is a great place to spend a weekend there, relax and get a positive experience when, for whatever reason, it is impossible to go on a longer trip. And for longer stays outside of Riga there are many attractions - you can easily rent a car and go on a tour of the beautiful region.
To choose a place for your summer vacation in Latvia - visit 1001beach


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