Best time to visit Tallinn

Best time to go to Tallinn is in winter, from November to February. This is the coldest time of the year in Estonia. In summer the weather is very pleasant and refreshing. Most of the attractions are open for tourists all year round. In spring, though, there are many popular tourist attractions which provide the visitors with the best time to go to Tallinn.

One of the best times to enjoy your vacations in Tallinn is during winter, when the snow plow in and the temperature starts to drop. During summer time the weather is too hot and Tallinn feels uncomfortable. During winter there is no snow, so all the outdoor activities can be enjoyed. From museums to skating, from boat tours to skiing, you can enjoy your vacation even in winter season.

There are many good hotels in Tallinn which offer the best time to go for holiday. If you book in advance, you can get discounts on the accommodation cost. When you are there in summer, the weather is quite pleasant and beautiful, as there is a lot of sunshine. Therefore, if you want to enjoy yourself even in winters, it is better to stay in Tallinn hotels. Hotels in Tallinn can make your holidays more enjoyable, especially in summers when the other place is too hot and too dry for comfortable outdoor conditions.

Do not forget to book a car on bookingauto in order to move freely around the Estonian capital, and get a warm hat with earflaps (Estonians affectionately call it “lekilaki”). We also recommend the hotelhunter service for booking a cozy hotel room.


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