Amateur traveller. I make travel arrangements on my own (tickets, hotels, cars, etc.). Prefer to make an individual route for each country I am visiting. Always very happy to travel with friends – this is what makes trips especially memorable. And, of course, I am glad to add the impressions of friends on their own trips - this is how we maintain friendly relations in the modern [digital] world.
Oceanographic Park in Valencia
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L'Orientation estadugu of Valencia is a natural and man-made park which is located to the south of Valencia city center, Spain. The name of this place is derived from the two oceanside names of these places: Lorientation Oceanographic Park and Orotambling Oceanographic Park. L'Orientation estadugu stands for the "Orotras Ocean" and is located to the east of Valencia. This tourist attraction is among the largest of its kind and is characterized by man-made islands, lagoons and sunken ship wrecks. There are also other attractions here.
L'Oceanogràfic literally means "Dry land of sea". This marine park is located on the dry Turia River Bed to the southwest of the coastal city of Valencia, Spain. It was constructed by the famous architect FÉlix Candelabra and the structures were constructed by the well-known underwater architect Carlos Lázaro. This natural and man-made oceanographic park is one of the world's prominent tourist spots, being visited by thousands of vacationers each year.
The park is located near the city center and can be reached by train, rented car on or by bus. It is also conveniently located near Vallejo de Almeria Airport. The Oceanographic Park in Valencia presents a large collection of exhibitions for children and adults. We recommend booking a guided tour at
Besides the attractions mentioned above, the L'Oceanogràfic aquarium is considered as another attraction worth visiting in Valencia. This three-dimensional aquarium situated in the center of the town is composed of over one hundred and fifty species of tropical fishes. This attraction also offers a wide range of exhibits and lectures which range from the biology of the oceans to the possible future of artificial intelligence and underwater robotics. Visitors are also treated to colorful demonstrations by experts and there are also some spectacular underwater displays. The aquarium has been opened to the general public and despite its size has attracted many visitors.
If we add the second largest city in Spain to the list, the town of Valencia becomes the second largest city in southern Europe. This coastal city is home to some of the most attractive beaches in Europe and the region. Although it is one of the world's largest cities, this seaside town maintains a low key image and has a low cost of living, making it an ideal holiday destination for all kinds of tourists. You can spend a pleasant summer relaxing on one of the beaches or enjoy a night at one of its nightclubs.
Also part of the Mediterranean Sea, Spain is home to many exotic and beautiful islands that have become popular holiday destinations for visitors from across the globe. Among these islands are the Balearic Islands in the north, Majorca in the south and Ibiza in the East. The islands have long been a popular destination with tourists but in recent years, they have gained a reputation as being more suitable for families and younger generations. The growth of tourism on these islands in recent years has made them even more popular and Ibiza and Majorca now form an important part of Spain's calendar, with almost 5 million visitors going there every year. As well as experiencing the sun, sea and sand, you can also try some of the cuisine and culture of this delightful area.
If your idea of a fabulous holiday is a trip to the world's best-selling cities, then you will certainly want to include Malaga and Barcelona, the capital of Spain. Both cities are amongst the best in the world and offer a different perspective on the Spanish experience, with Malaga's charming historic buildings and ancient streets versus Barcelona's stylish and modern design. You can book a cheap flight to Malaga or a comfortable coach tour around the city, or even take a day trip to Barcelona. As well as experiencing the best, these cities provide great value for money and are safe and secure.
Central Asia has long been home to nomadic civilizations. The vast steppes are covered with petroglyphs, sanctuaries and burial mounds which testify to this rich cultural diversity of this area. Right at the airport there is an excellent car rental service - , and go on one of the interesting excursions right on it - One of the most striking discoveries in Kazakhstan is a massive burial mound found in Tamgaly region and now recognized by UNESCO World Heritage. This stunning site provides a compelling window into Central Asian history and culture. The Steppe Geoglyphs Dimitriy Dey discovered an intriguing set of geoglyphs in Kazakhstan in 2007 which appear to have been created by ancient people. He named these giant images, similar to crop circles but more complex, "Steppe Geoglyphs", with an estimated age of around 8,000 years old. Dey made this discovery while using Google Earth to explore Kazakhstan. He discovered 260 structures, such as sh...
We visited the city of Girona quite often, but, surprisingly, all our visits were connected with the local airport – one of Russian low-cost airlines brings tourists there. And almost all the time, we perceived Girona as a “neighborhood of Barcelona” and a kind of “old step” on the way to the big city. It was totally undeserved. Finally, we decided to correct this injustice. I have not seen such enthusiasm to take photos for a long time. The history of the city begins before our era, because the Iberians who settled these places needed a fortified structure on the road to Gaul, and the Romans needed the same for wars with the Moors . It was the Romans who gave the name “Gerund” to the settlement, which later became Girona. The County of Girona (one of 14 original Catalan counties), which passed under the rule of various ruling dynasties (mainly France and Spain), was formed as a result of various feudal collisions in the Middle Ages. In relatively recent history, Girona ha...
Monaco, ruled by Prince Albert II of the Grimaldi dynasty, is one of the few principalities that have survived to this day. The history of this principality is rooted in the depths of centuries, and dates back to the time of the Phoenicians (and this, just think of it, the 10th century BC!). The modern history of Monaco began when the colony of the Genoese Republic was founded in this area in 1215, in then Francesco Grimaldi became a local ruler in 1297 . So, the Grimaldi dynasty has been ruling in Monaco for more than 700 years, from 1297 to our days (of course, given the fact that during this impressive period there were wars and regime changes in Europe, as a result of which Monaco passed under the protectorate of various states). The most significant personalities that influenced the fate of the principality during the 20th century include Aristotle Onassis, who significantly strengthened the Monaco economy with his investments, and Prince Rainier III, who developed the count...
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