Palatine Gallery in Florence

 The Palatine Gallery in Florence is the place to see the major artworks that the Medici dynasty collected throughout its reign. These works are now displayed in the palace's opulent rooms. If you are planning a trip to Florence, you must definitely check out this gallery. You can find out more about it by reading this article. Until then, you can start planning your trip to the city.

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The Gallery consists of two floors. The first is the Room of Mars, where you can see Rubens' works (including the self-portrait on the left). You will also find Il Rosso's Madonna with Saints, which originally came from the Church of Santo Spirito. There are also two paintings by Titian in this room. Visiting this gallery will give you a better understanding of the history of Renaissance art in Florence.

The second floor houses the Gallery of Modern Art, which offers a spectacular view of Florence and the Boboli Gardens, which surround the Medici Palace. The gallery is divided into 30 rooms, and the collection covers all phases of Italian artistic production. Highlights of the collection include works by Raphael, Titian, and Andrea del Sarto. The sixteenth and seventeenth-century masters are also well represented. Other works include paintings by Caravaggio, Rubens, and Van Dyck.

The Renaissance era was the age of the arts in Italy, and the city was the primary destination for artists, merchants, and nobility. As such, it became the prototype for modern states. The Renaissance lasted for centuries and was recognized around the world. It was a time of cultural and intellectual growth, and the Renaissance lasted for centuries. The Renaissance had shaped the way we view art today. And its legacy lives on in the Palatine Gallery.

The gallery houses a wide array of paintings from the seventeenth century to the present. A highlight of the collection is the 16th century funeral clothes of Grand Duke Cosimo I de' Medici. He and his wife suffered from malaria, and their bodies would have been dressed in finery before their burial. The Sala Meridiana, one of the best preserved and most beautiful rooms in the gallery, originally featured a functional solar meridian instrument. Another highlight is the cycle of frescoes by Pietro da Cortona.

After touring the Palatine Gallery, take some time to relax at Piazza Santa Maria Novella. This historic square overlooks the Palazzo Vecchio. The Piazza dei Lanzi, a 16th-century piazza, features exquisite sculptures. Among these are David, Rape of the Sabine Women, and Perseus. There are many other famous Renaissance artists in Florence, but you will surely be impressed by this one.


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