Tower of London and its secrets

 If you've ever been fascinated by the Tower of London, you'll be delighted to learn that it's a real work of art. Among the pieces of art you'll find in the Tower are St. Thomas's Tower Fireplace, Edward I's Bedchamber, and the Chantry. The Lanthorn Tower, on the other hand, is a medieval fortress where you can find rare objects dating back to the 13th century. The Tower was known as the Bloody Tower, and there's an interesting story behind the name: the murder of the princes there, as well as the imprisonment of Sir Walter Raleigh.

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Today, the Tower of London is a complex of towers, which have served many different purposes throughout its history. From prison to palace, treasury to observatory, it's been home to some of the most notorious royal prisoners in history. The Tower was also home to numerous beheadings, including those of Queen Anne Boleyn, Queen Catherine Howard, and Lady Jane Grey. You can learn more about the Tower's history by visiting the Fusilier Museum, Line of Kings exhibit, and the Crown Jewels exhibit.

The Ravens, another resident of the Tower, were once a part of Henry VIII's court. According to legend, if a raven escapes the Tower, the Crown will fall. Since then, the Beefeaters have taken care of the ravens by ensuring that they have a daily quota of raw meat. In fact, the Tower of London tries to keep seven ravens on hand at all times. While tradition calls for six, they keep an extra one "just in case."

A tour through the Tower of London can provide you with fascinating facts about the fortress' history and how it was built. The tour casts you as a potential invader and explains the different phases of the building and the secrets of its past. The Tower of London and its secrets are well worth the time. There are free guided tours from Tower Hill Station, and it is easy to reach the Tower by Tube. There are also tours from London's other major stations.

While visiting the Tower of London, be sure to bring your children. Children of all ages will appreciate the relics that adorn this historic site. They will also love the replicas of the ancient temples that were once in the city. You'll get a chance to see the Crown Jewels and the Medieval Palace, which are both part of the tower. The infamous Bloody Tower will also be of interest. Take a tour of the Tower of London with Yeman Warder.

One of the most popular tourist attractions in the UK, the Tower of London has served as a royal menagerie, armory, and mint. During its history, it has been used as a palace, a mint, and a treasury. The oldest part of the complex, the White Tower, dates back to 1078. It contains an excellent collection of regal arms, including Henry VIII's heavy armor.


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