Secrets of the Uffizi Gallery for everyone

 If you're planning a trip to Florence, you may be interested in discovering the Uffizi Gallery. This renowned art museum is adjacent to Piazza della Signoria in the Historic Center of Florence, Tuscany. With so many amazing works of art to choose from, it's a must-see for art lovers. But do you know all of the secrets of the Uffizi? Read on to discover how to get the most out of your visit.

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The fifteenth gallery of the Uffizi Gallery is the home to the unfinished Adoration of the Magi by Leonardo da Vinci. Though unfinished, this painting is full of new expressive and formal ideas that influenced later artists such as Botticelli and Lippi. The famous statues of Venus and Mars also hang in this gallery. However, the museum's hours vary. To avoid long lines, purchase tickets online or in advance to avoid missing out on the museum's highlights.

The Uffizi Gallery has undergone several renovations, so you may not see everything you'd like. Some sections of the gallery may be closed, and others may be undergoing expansion. It is important to be patient while visiting the Uffizi, because the museum changes a lot and many works may be missing. Fortunately, you can still see the most spectacular works of art in the Uffizi by taking your time and planning a trip in advance.

A private tour of the Uffizi is a great way to enjoy the gallery and to discover everything it has to offer. It will be like having a friendly, knowledgeable guide lead you through the gallery. And you can ask endless questions. You'll soon be feeling like a Renaissance expert. The private tour will take approximately two to three hours, depending on the length. Make sure to leave your umbrella in the cloakroom, which is available free of charge. If you're in Florence during the day, don't forget to try the panoramic views from the Uffizi terrace cafe.

There are also a number of other ways to enjoy the Uffizi Gallery. You can take a virtual tour, where an expert LivTours guide will lead you through the museum in a way that kids will understand. You can even engage your child in a fun drawing activity. And don't worry about a lack of patience; there's always time for a few extra questions.

If you're planning a Florence trip, you should be aware that the Uffizi Gallery wasn't originally built to be a museum. The building was actually designed to serve as the offices for the ruling Medici family, and at one point the Medici family owned the entire town. These Medici family also founded the Medici Bank of Florence, the most important financial institution in the 15th century.


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