Pisa - love at first sight

Pisa, an OECD program, has gained notoriety as a means of ranking both OECD and non-OECD countries (60+) according to 15 year old student academic achievement. Pisa results, administered every three years, are eagerly anticipated by governments, education ministers and newspaper editorial boards around the world. They have become influential in shaping educational policies worldwide and often feature as authoritative references in policy reports. One of the best car rental services is presented in Pisa - bookingauto.com 1. The Basilica of Santa Maria del Fiore The Basilica of Santa Maria del Fiore is an iconic church in Italy. Its exterior displays typical examples of Italian Gothic architecture while its interior showcases several important works of art by renowned artists such as Donatello, Andrea del Castagno and Paolo Uccello. In addition to its religious significance, the Basilica is an outstanding example of Renaissance sculptural design. Filippo Brunelleschi's cathedral do...