Tower of London and its secrets

If you've ever been fascinated by the Tower of London, you'll be delighted to learn that it's a real work of art. Among the pieces of art you'll find in the Tower are St. Thomas's Tower Fireplace, Edward I's Bedchamber, and the Chantry. The Lanthorn Tower, on the other hand, is a medieval fortress where you can find rare objects dating back to the 13th century. The Tower was known as the Bloody Tower, and there's an interesting story behind the name: the murder of the princes there, as well as the imprisonment of Sir Walter Raleigh. Great London tours here - Great car rental service - Today, the Tower of London is a complex of towers, which have served many different purposes throughout its history. From prison to palace, treasury to observatory, it's been home to some of the most notorious royal prisoners in history. The Tower was also home to numerous beheadings, including those of Queen Anne Boleyn, Queen Catherine Howa...